Laura writes –
Every day that I go to our orphan centre I help children write letter to their sponsors. Sometimes I pull 4 at a time from their class and let the other 3 work puzzles (like Gildas at the left) while they wait their turn. I prompt them on some things that the sponsors might like to hear. Like what grade are you in, what chores they do at home and what they are thankful for. They tell me what they want to say in Sango and I translate it in my head and then write it in English. It’s an interesting job and I love it!

The other day I was helping Jethro write a letter. After asking him what he was thankful for he started talking a mile a minute! I told him to slow down (I had to translate it and write it down so it is legible) and hold that thought. He laughed (that's him at right) and said I was as slow as a tree!
The other day I was helping Jethro write a letter. After asking him what he was thankful for he started talking a mile a minute! I told him to slow down (I had to translate it and write it down so it is legible) and hold that thought. He laughed (that's him at right) and said I was as slow as a tree!
When I was helping Sylvia she told me she wasn’t feeling very good. I was holding her on my lap (I like holding the little ones because they are so irresistible! And they need all the love they can get plus I can actually hear what they are saying since some of them talk so softly!) As I was writing I noticed she had gotten still and looked down and she had fallen asleep! She is so precious!
One of the older girls knew exactly what she wanted to say without any prompting at all. First she greeted her sponsor. Then she started thanking them. “Thank you for helping me go to school. Now I can read the Bible on my own. That makes me very happy.” This served as a gentle reminder of why I am here spending so much time and energy investing in these kids’ lives. Each and every one is an important individual with needs and desires.
Thanks for your prayers!

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