Karen writes . . .
I teach the kids Bible at the center, once a week in every class. I love it. Sango is a new language to me but I hope a few of my more notable mistakes have at least made the kids laugh with me! I realized half way through one week that I was telling them to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your strength, and all your chest (or ears depending on intonation!). Apparently âme is a French word! I also learned one story to memorization until I realized I was saying that the Good Samaritan took the injured man and kept him in jail, instead of an inn!
Friday, I was talking with some kids at recess. When I got here I was almost terrified by 500 nameless kids I couldn’t speak to all trying to touch my hair and arm. Now that they have names and what they say makes sense, I can’t help but be thankful for the privilege of knowing and being with them. I was leaning against the white wall, and I began to hear a woman’s frantic voice over the kids but I didn’t pay attention. Then I realized the voice was calling my name. I looked back to see Madam Zokoe looking at me. I thought she was just greeting me and I waved and smiled and turned back to the boy I was talking to. But she continued to call out and I couldn’t hear her over the kids. Finally the boy I was talking to, who is continually getting me out of scrapes, said, “Karen! She’s telling you not to lean on the wall! Don’t lean on the wall.” How embarrassing!

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