Below are some of our favorite photos so far since Sponsorship Team #3 arrived yesterday. Read previous blog entries for more narrative on the photos.

Lee Ann Parsons and translator Margaret Hull applauding
Lee Ann's orphan, Blandine, after she won a game they were playing.

The encouragement was not lost on this young lady, who
three years ago started first grade and is today in fifth grade
at PHC school. She says she wants to continue school.

Kirk Carver and Brenda Artrip yesterday playing Uno with
Victor (the Carver's orphan) and his family. Victor's mother
proved to be a good Uno player.

Victor (on right) with "Mama Kay" (with hat).

On Thursday morning Madame Zokoe (PHC Africa-based Director)
called together the entire PHC staff.
She and Barb Wooler (PHC USA-based Director) challenged them
to excellent service to the Lord and the children they serve in the
new school year.

At the end of the staff meeting, Kirk & Kay Carver took
turns handing out diplomas to the teachers who successfully
complete PHC teacher training this month.
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